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Thread: Physint [Working Title] - Hideo Kojima New Stealth Game

  1. #1
    Stealth Moderator Valkyre's Avatar
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    Default Physint [Working Title] - Hideo Kojima New Stealth Game

    Ναι ναι ναι εκανα ενα θρεντ για ενα παιχνιδι που δεν εχουμε τιποτα, ουτε καν τιτλο.

    Ναι το εκανα.

    Γιατι ειναι ο Hideo Kojima και θα μας βασανιζει για 3-4 χρονια και χρειαζομαστε ενα μερος να λεμε τον πονο μας.

    Ο Κοτζιμα δεν μπορει να ξεχασει το Metal Gear και μιας και δεν μπορει να φτιαξει Metal Gear φτιαχνει κατι καινουργιο, το οποιο θα εχει πισω του την υποστηριξη ολοκληρης της Sony και οχι μονο μιας και ο κινηματογραφος μπαινει απο οτι φαινεται για τα καλα στο παιχνιδι.

    Προσωπικα δεν μπορω να περιμενω, θελω να μαθω πληροφοριες και γι αυτο το λογο θελω αυτο το θρεντ. Προφανως και οταν εχουμε αποκαλυψη του τιτλου θα γινει edit ο τιτλου του παροντος θρεντ ωστε να μεταμορφωθει στο επισημο νημα του παιχνιδιου.

    Μεχρι τοτε πληροφοριες, τρολιες και Κοτζιμο-τηζαρισμα εχει θεση εδω.

  2. #2
    Stealth Moderator Valkyre's Avatar
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    Outer Heaven


    Και ξεκιναμε...
    January 31st, 2024 KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS, in partnership with Sony Interactive Entertainment, confirmed a new action-espionage game in the latest State of Play.

    Yes, today, I’m excited to announce that we at Kojima Productions are creating a brand-new action-espionage game, said Hideo Kojima. Preparations are underway, but production will begin in earnest after Death Stranding 2. We have strong experience with Sony Interactive Entertainment, having grown the action-espionage genre together for almost 30 years, and while most of our partnerships with Sony in the past have been for games, they also produce music and films, and this will definitely be a cooperative collaboration.

    With the full support of Sony Interactive Entertainment, this new action-espionage game will use cutting-edge technology and a stellar cast to deliver an experience like no other. Blurring the boundaries between film and games, offering near life-like graphics and a new take on interactive entertainment.
    Hideo Kojima is keeping busy! A new action espionage game from the famed creator of Metal Gear Solid is in the works, having been announced during today's State of Play stream.

    Details are thin on the ground, but during the show Kojima said this project is a new intellectual property, and described it as a movie as well as a game. "Of course, it is an interactive game," Kojima said, "but it is also a movie at the same time."

    Production is expected to begin "in earnest" at Kojima Productions after Death Stranding 2 and in partnership with Sony, so expect a release on PlayStation 5. During State of Play, Kojima said he was "confident" this new game "will be the culmination of my work", adding: "we hope to transcend the barriers between film and video games."

    After turning to the camera to say "stay tuned", Kojima and PlayStation Studios boss Hermen Hulst walked off set, the camera pulling away out of the building to reveal a Columbia Pictures sign with the word 'Physint' below it.

    It turns out Physint is the working title for this project. In a tweet, Kojima said it will be Kojima Productions' third new original IP since the studio's founding. "It is a completely new 'Action Espionage' for the next-generation," Kojima said. "It will be created using cutting-edge technology and the best talents from around the world, both from film and video games. Of course this is an interactive 'game', but the look, story, theme, cast, acting, fashion, sound, etc... are all at the next level of 'Digital Entertainment' that could be called a 'movie'."

    The Kojima Productions Twitter / X account also commented, saying Physint will have "near life-like graphics. "With the full support of SIE, this new action espionage game will use cutting-edge technology and a stellar cast to deliver an experience like no other," reads the tweet. "Blurring the boundaries between film and games, offering near life-like graphics and a new take on interactive entertainment."

    Kojima is familiar with the espionage and stealth genre, as many will know Kojima for his work in creating the Metal Gear franchise, a series known for laying the foundations for the stealth genre of video games.

    This is one of a few projects Kojima and his studio are working on. Additional projects include Death Stranding 2 and OD. The latter is a new IP in collaboration with Xbox Game Studios, with actress Hunter Schafer and filmmaker Jordan Peele attached to the project. Kojima is also involved in A24's film adaption of the original Death Stranding, though no additional information has been shared.



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