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    Moderator hakoo's Avatar
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    Åéíáé áðï ôéò ÷ñïíéåò ðïõ äåí õðáñ÷ïõí êáé ðïëëåò êáéíïõñéåò áíáêïéíùóåéò ãåíéêïôåñá, ç Sony å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé ôá ðáíôá åêôïò ôïõ project ôçò Sucker Punch, ç MS ïõôùò ç áëëùò äåí å÷åé êáé ôéðïôá óõíôáñáêôéêï êáé ï,ôé å÷åé ôï å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé çäç, ç ÅÁ ìéá áðï ôá éäéá êáé ðåñéìåíïõìå ìïíï íá äïõìå ôé èá ãéíåé ìå ôï íåï IP ôçò Bioware ðïõ áð ïôé ëåãåôáé ðçãå ëéãï ðéóù ïðïôå ìðïñåé íá ìçí áíáöåñèåé êáí (ðïõ ãåíéêá äåí å÷åé ãéá ìåíá åíäéáöåñïí áðï ôç óôéãìç ðïõ èá åéíáé online experience áëá destiny), ç Bethesda èá êáíåé 1-2 áíáêïéíùóåéò mid tier ôéôëùí, ç Ubisoft ôá å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé çäç ïëá áðëá ðåñéìåíïõìå íá ôá äïõìå êáé ç nintendo å÷åé mario íá äåéîåé öåôïò ïðïôå êáé êáéíïõñéá ðñáãìáôá íá å÷åé èá ôá äùóåé ìå ôï óôáãïíïìåôñï.
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  2. #42
    PS4forums Fanatic spartan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hakoo View Post
    Åéíáé áðï ôéò ÷ñïíéåò ðïõ äåí õðáñ÷ïõí êáé ðïëëåò êáéíïõñéåò áíáêïéíùóåéò ãåíéêïôåñá, ç Sony å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé ôá ðáíôá åêôïò ôïõ project ôçò Sucker Punch, ç MS ïõôùò ç áëëùò äåí å÷åé êáé ôéðïôá óõíôáñáêôéêï êáé ï,ôé å÷åé ôï å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé çäç, ç ÅÁ ìéá áðï ôá éäéá êáé ðåñéìåíïõìå ìïíï íá äïõìå ôé èá ãéíåé ìå ôï íåï IP ôçò Bioware ðïõ áð ïôé ëåãåôáé ðçãå ëéãï ðéóù ïðïôå ìðïñåé íá ìçí áíáöåñèåé êáí (ðïõ ãåíéêá äåí å÷åé ãéá ìåíá åíäéáöåñïí áðï ôç óôéãìç ðïõ èá åéíáé online experience áëá destiny), ç Bethesda èá êáíåé 1-2 áíáêïéíùóåéò mid tier ôéôëùí, ç Ubisoft ôá å÷åé áíáêïéíùóåé çäç ïëá áðëá ðåñéìåíïõìå íá ôá äïõìå êáé ç nintendo å÷åé mario íá äåéîåé öåôïò ïðïôå êáé êáéíïõñéá ðñáãìáôá íá å÷åé èá ôá äùóåé ìå ôï óôáãïíïìåôñï.
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    Ïê, E3 åéíáé óéãïõñá èá áíáêïéíùèïõí êáðïéá ðñáãìáôá ãéá íá õðáñ÷ïõí êáé êáðïéåò åêðëçîåéò áëëá äåí ðåñéìåíù ôéðïôá óõíôáñáêôéêï.
    Áêïìá êé åôóé ðáíôùò ãéá ìåíá ðñïóùðéêá äåí ÷áíåé êáôé ç åêèåóç, èá äïõìå õëéêï áðï ðïëëá ðñáãìáôá ðïõ å÷ïõí áíáêïéíùèåé áëëá äåí îåñïõìå ó÷åäïí ôéðïôá êáé äåí å÷ïõìå äåé proper gameplay.
    Êáíåéò åíá ëáèïò ïóï áíáöïñá ôçí ìáéêñïóïöô !!!åéíáé ç ðñùôç öïñá ìåôá áðï 4 ÷ñïíéá ðïõ èá å÷åé ðñáãìáôéêá åíäéáöåñïí óáí ðáñïõóéáóç êáé áíáêïéíùóåùí.Ìå÷ñé óôéãìçò åêôïò áðï ôï öïñôóá 7 êáé ôï êñáêáíôáïõí 3 äåí îåñïõìå ôé áëëá ðáé÷íéäéá å÷åé êáôù áðï ôï ìáíéêç ôçò.Ïóï áíáöïñá ôçí óïíõ ìðïñåé íá ìçí å÷åé íá áíáêïéíùóç ðáñá ðïëëá íåá ðñáãìáôá!!!áëëá êáôé êáëï èá å÷åé êáé áõôç êáôù ëïãéêá!!! ðïõ èá êáíåé ôï ìðáì êáé öåôïò(ìéãéáæáêé êáéíïõñãéï ip)Äçìéïõñãïò ôùí bloodborne êáé dark souls 3.Ðñïóùðéêá ðéóôåõù ïôé ç öåôéíç å3 èá åéíáé êáëõôåñç áðï ôçí ðåñóéíç ëïãï êáëõôåñïõ áíôáãùíéóìïõ ìåôá ôçí åëåõóç ôùí óãïõéôò (íéíôåíôï)êáé óêïñðéïí.
    Last edited by spartan; 04-06-2017 at 16:44.

  3. #43
    Moderator hakoo's Avatar
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    Ðåñé ïñåîåùò!
    Ãéá ìåíá ôï hardware åéíáé ôï ðéï åíäéáöåñïí êïììáôé ôùí åêèåóåùí ìïíï ïôáí ðñïêåéôáé ãéá êáéíïõñéåò êïíóïëåò, ïðùò êáé ãéá ôï ps pro äåí åé÷á êáíåíá åíäéáöåñïí åôóé êáé ãéá ôï scoprio åðéóçò äåí ìå åíäéáöåñåé. Äåí åéíáé íåá êïíóïëá åðé ôçò ïõóéáò, crackdown/forza/state of decay/sea of thieves åéíáé çäç ðñáãìáôá ðïõ îåñïõìå êáé ìå äåäïìåíï ïôé ç MS äåí å÷åé ðïëëá projects õðï áíáðôõîç ãéáôé äåí å÷åé ðïëëá internal studios ôï óôïé÷åéï ôçò åêðëçîçò èá åéíáé áðï ðåñéïñéóìåíï åùò áíõðáñêôï ëïãéêá. Èá äïõìå ôá franchises ðïõ ðåñéìåíïõìå êáé èá áíáëùèåé ç ðáñïõóéáóç ìå ôï scorpio êáé äéáöïñåò åðáíåêäïóåéò ðáé÷íéäéùí ðïõ èá ôñå÷ïõí 4K/60 fps êôë. Áóóïõò óôï ìáíéêé äåí íïìéæù ïôé å÷åé óå åðéðåäï software.

  4. #44
    Forum GOD Lefteris_X's Avatar
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    Å3.........ðüóï Ý÷ïõí ðåñÜóåé ôá ÷ñüíéá.....

    ÊÜðïôå óôçí CES êáé áñãüôåñá óôçí E3 ãßíïíôáí áíáêïéíþóåéò áêüìá êáé ãéá hardware ðïõ èá âëÝðáìå 1,5 ÷ñüíï ìåôÜ.......êáé äåí Ýôñå÷å ôßðïôá: êáé ôï õöéóôÜìåíï hardware óõíÝ÷éæå íá ðïõëÜåé ÷ùñßò íá åðçñåáóôåß áðü ôéò íÝåò áíáêïéíþóåéò êáé ôï hype ðñïò ôï íÝï hardware ðÞãáéíå óôïí Èåü êáé üëá ìéá ÷áñÜ.

    Ôþñá ðëÝïí Ý÷ïõí áëëÜîåé ôá ðñÜãìáôá. Óêåöôüìïõí ìéá ìÝñá, üôé áí èÝëåé ç Sony íá ðÜåé ôï hype ãéá ôï PS5 óôï öïõë, èá Þôáí ìéá êáëÞ åõêáéñßá íá ðåé / äåßîåé ëßãá ðñÜãìáôá ãé' áõôü óôçí áõñéáíÞ Å3. Ìüíï ðïõ äåí åßíáé Ýôóé üìùò, ãéáôß Ý÷ïõí áëëÜîåé ïé óõíèÞêåò. Ìéá ôÝôïéá áíáêïßíùóç áðáñáßôçôá ðéá ðñÝðåé íá óõíïäåýåôáé áðü ìéá çìåñïìçíßá Ýëåõóçò = áõôÞ ç çìåñïìçíßá áí åßíáé ðïëý ìáêñéÜ ðéï ðïëý êáêü èá êÜíåé óôï PS5 ðáñÜ êáëü / áí åßíáé ðïëý êïíôÜ èá âëÜøåé ôéò ðùëÞóåéò ôïõ PS4. Åðßóçò, åðåéäÞ Ý÷ïõìå êáëïìÜèåé, áí áíáêïéíùèåß ôï PS5 "áðáéôïýìå" ðéá íá äïýìå Ýíáí early ôßôëï Þ Ýóôù êÜôé ôÝëïò ðÜíôùí.

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    Ãéá íá ìçí ðù ãéá ôçí Å3 ôïõ 1995 ðïõ ç ðáñïõóßáóç Ôýðïõ ôçò Sony America Ýãéíå óå ìéá ìéêñÞ êáé ôáðåéíÞ áßèïõóá êéíçìáôïãñÜöïõ, ìå ôï ðïëý 100 Üôïìá ìÝóá êáé ï CEO íá ëÝåé óôï ìéêñüöùíï ìüíï ìéá ëÝîç / áñéèìü: 299 (äïëÜñéá, äçëáäÞ ç ôéìÞ ôïõ PSX ðïõ èá ëáíóáñéóôåß óôéò ÇÐÁ) êáé áðëþò Ýöõãå áðü ôï ðüíôéïõì.

    ¶ëëáîáí ïé åðï÷Ýò.

  5. #45


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  7. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by hakoo View Post
    Ðåñé ïñåîåùò!
    Ãéá ìåíá ôï hardware åéíáé ôï ðéï åíäéáöåñïí êïììáôé ôùí åêèåóåùí ìïíï ïôáí ðñïêåéôáé ãéá êáéíïõñéåò êïíóïëåò, ïðùò êáé ãéá ôï ps pro äåí åé÷á êáíåíá åíäéáöåñïí åôóé êáé ãéá ôï scoprio åðéóçò äåí ìå åíäéáöåñåé. Äåí åéíáé íåá êïíóïëá åðé ôçò ïõóéáò, crackdown/forza/state of decay/sea of thieves åéíáé çäç ðñáãìáôá ðïõ îåñïõìå êáé ìå äåäïìåíï ïôé ç MS äåí å÷åé ðïëëá projects õðï áíáðôõîç ãéáôé äåí å÷åé ðïëëá internal studios ôï óôïé÷åéï ôçò åêðëçîçò èá åéíáé áðï ðåñéïñéóìåíï åùò áíõðáñêôï ëïãéêá. Èá äïõìå ôá franchises ðïõ ðåñéìåíïõìå êáé èá áíáëùèåé ç ðáñïõóéáóç ìå ôï scorpio êáé äéáöïñåò åðáíåêäïóåéò ðáé÷íéäéùí ðïõ èá ôñå÷ïõí 4K/60 fps êôë. Áóóïõò óôï ìáíéêé äåí íïìéæù ïôé å÷åé óå åðéðåäï software.
    Áõôï èá ôï ìáèïõìå óå ìéá åâäïìáäá ðïõ ëåò áí éó÷õåé ç ï÷é.Åãù ðñïóùðéêá ðéóôåõù ïôé ç ðáñïõóéáóç ôçò ìáéêñïóïöô èá å÷åé äõíáôåò åêðëçîåéò( åéäç ï óðåíóåñ áõôï ôéæáñå å÷èåò)Áí ôï êáíåé ìïíï êáé ìïíï ãéá ÷áéð ôé íá ðù.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by christos-sonyboy View Post
    Åôïéìáóôåéôå íá ìáæåõåôå óáãïíéá îáíá.

  8. #47
    Homo Ludens Leon_DiZ's Avatar
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    Sony talks about what games they will show at E3, explains God of War changes

    Ðööööö... ðéá leaks, åäþ ìáò åßðáí ôç ìéóÞ Ýêèåóç.

    If all this talk of games that sound a lot more casual has you squirming a little, it doesn't mean we'll be seeing a shift in emphasis from Sony, especially at E3 this year. With the success of Horizon already established, and the top games on the platform being FIFA, Grand Theft Auto V, and Final Fantasy XV, we'll be seeing lots of big, epic games – although many of them were shown last year at either E3 or Sony's own event in December. The God of War reboot from Sony's Santa Monica studio will be central to this – its new, more narrative-focused, open-world approach with a grizzled, bearded Kratos coming as a direct result of Sony's new global thinking. While always popular in North America, past games in the series just didn't do it for players elsewhere. "It's a franchise that has historically acutely underperformed in Europe," Ryan says. "Hack and slash games tend to not do so well in Europe, so the narrative this time around will make a big difference. European gamers love narrative games. And Singstar."

    Alongside God of War Layden confirmed that we'll also see
    . Sadly, we couldn't get a rise out of him on what InFamous and Sly Cooper developer Sucker Punch is working on, or whether there'll be any word of Sony partnering with FromSoftware on Bloodborne 2. "You can ask," he quipped – but wouldn't say anything further. We may get another glimpse of Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding, though. "We're partnering with him and financing development of Death Stranding. His team has taken the Decima engine that Guerrilla built for Horizon Zero Dawn and they're using that as the base for Death Stranding. Both teams are working from a joint code base now and building on it. It's kind of like a holy grail in game development. Some studios outside of my world have invoked that kind of discipline – "thou shalt all use this engine" – but we've sort of left it to our studios to find the engine they need within the technologies that we have available."
    Sony will also be pushing its partnerships, "We have a Call of Duty partnership, a Destiny 2 partnership, Red Dead partnership with Take-Two and Star Wars with EA," says Ryan. While unwilling to specify the nature of these deals, it's likely we'll see trailer premieres at the very least.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Layden says the Japanese publishers are also coming back, listing off recent games like Resident Evil 7, Nioh, Nier: Automata, Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV as examples. "That's super important for us," he says. "I think a lot of Japanese developers lost their way chasing the mobile games yen, if you will, but they're coming back to console in a major way. And speaking of, we'll have some big announcements at E3 in that precise vein."

    You know what I want Shawn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Spoiler (ðáé÷íéäéá/ôáéíéåò/âéâëéá) -äåí ðá íá ÷åé âãåé 100 ÷ñïíéá ç ôáéíéá- = -rep

  9. #48
    Homo Ludens Leon_DiZ's Avatar
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    ÌðáñÜæ ðáé÷íéäéþí êáé öÝôïò!!

    As for the experience awaiting PlayStation buffs when the curtain lifts on Sony's E3 media event, live streaming from the Shrine Auditorium & Expo Hall (online as well as in select theaters) next Monday, June 12, Layden says to think of it less as a press conference than a software showcase."The crowd will only have to suffer I think in aggregate 90 seconds of me," he jokes. "And in the middle will be all the games."
    Spoiler (ðáé÷íéäéá/ôáéíéåò/âéâëéá) -äåí ðá íá ÷åé âãåé 100 ÷ñïíéá ç ôáéíéá- = -rep

  10. #49
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    Káëá äåí áðïêáëõøå êáé êáôé ðïõ äåí ãíùñéæïõìå çäç, ôá ðáé÷íéäéá ðïõ áíáöåñåé îåñáìå ïôé èá åìöáíéóôïõí

  11. #50
    Forum GOD Lefteris_X's Avatar
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    Áðü ôéò ðëÝïí áäéÜöïñåò Å3 ìÜëëïí. Ôßðïôá ðïõ äåí îÝñïõìå, ôüóï áðü software üóï êáé áðü hardware (Scorpio).

    ¼ðïôå -ãéá åìÝíá- ôï åíäéáöÝñïí áããßæåé ôï áðüëõôï ìçäÝí. Åêôüò êé áí äù íÝïõò, åíôåëþò íÝïõò ôßôëïõò êïììÝíïõò êáé ñáììÝíïõò åéäéêÜ ãéá ôï Scorpio.........êÜôé ðïõ üìùò äå íïìßæù íá ãßíåé.

    ÁíôéèÝôùò, Üðåéñï åíäéáöÝñïí åß÷å ç ðáñïõóßáóç ôçò Apple ðïõ ôá ã@ìçóå üëá. ÏËÁ!

  12. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lefteris_X View Post
    Áðü ôéò ðëÝïí áäéÜöïñåò Å3 ìÜëëïí. Ôßðïôá ðïõ äåí îÝñïõìå, ôüóï áðü software üóï êáé áðü hardware (Scorpio).

    ¼ðïôå -ãéá åìÝíá- ôï åíäéáöÝñïí áããßæåé ôï áðüëõôï ìçäÝí. Åêôüò êé áí äù íÝïõò, åíôåëþò íÝïõò ôßôëïõò êïììÝíïõò êáé ñáììÝíïõò åéäéêÜ ãéá ôï Scorpio.........êÜôé ðïõ üìùò äå íïìßæù íá ãßíåé.

    ÁíôéèÝôùò, Üðåéñï åíäéáöÝñïí åß÷å ç ðáñïõóßáóç ôçò Apple ðïõ ôá ã@ìçóå üëá. ÏËÁ!
    Êáôé êáëï èá äïõìå ðéóôåõù ëåõôåñç.Ðñïóùðéêá ðéóôåõù ïôé ôá ôåëåõôáéá 2 ÷ñïíéá âëåðïõìå êáëåò Å3.Ìáêáñé íá ôñéôùóç êáé öåôïò áõôï.

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    Spoiler (ðáé÷íéäéá/ôáéíéåò/âéâëéá) -äåí ðá íá ÷åé âãåé 100 ÷ñïíéá ç ôáéíéá- = -rep

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    Çñèå åðéôåëïõò ç óôéãìç?ãéá íá äïõìå áí áí ôåëéêá åðáëçèåõôïõí áõôåò ïé öçìåò.

  16. #54
    Moderator BillyFlo81's Avatar
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    The Full Schedule for E3 COLISEUM 2017

    The full lineup of panels and guests for the first E3 Coliseum was announced today by the Entertainment Software Association. A spectacular main stage event that will connect video game fans with the biggest names in entertainment, E3 Coliseum will be June 13 and 14 at The Nova at L.A. Live as part of E3, the world¢s premiere event for digital entertainment for PC, consoles, mobile platforms, and virtual reality.

    Produced by Geoff Keighley, creator and producer of The Game Awards, E3 Coliseum will feature two full days of programming, including live demonstrations of upcoming games, insightful panels, and special one-time-only conversations. Open to all E3 badge holders, fans can begin lining up to attend E3 Coliseum starting at 7 a.m. June 13. The Nova is only a short walk from where E3 is being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. For more information on E3 Coliseum access and programming, please visit

    E3 Coliseum also is teaming up with Facebook to give the global video game community the chance to watch and ask panelists questions. In addition to Q&As with in-person attendees, fans around the world can visit during E3 Coliseum to watch select panels on Facebook Live and submit questions to be answered by participating panelists. E3 Coliseum panels will also be streamed on Twitch — the official E3 streaming partner, Mixer, and YouTube.
    The full schedule for E3 Coliseum is as follows:

    Tuesday, June 13
    11:00 AM — Noon:
    God of War: Behind the Curtain
    It¢s been one year since game director Cory Barlog and his team at Santa Monica Studio introduced fans around the world to a bold new vision for God of War. Join us as Cory and other members of the development team share new insights and recount challenges overcome, delving further into writing, world building, combat design, and the powerful father/son relationship at the heart of Kratos¢ new beginning. Moderated by Michele Morrow.

    Noon — 12:30 PM:
    Inside Bungie
    For over 25 years, Bungie has pushed the video game industry in bold new directions. Join Bungie CEO Pete Parsons for a wide-ranging discussion about his career, the industry, and Bungie¢s next release, Destiny 2. Moderated by WWE superstar (and devoted Destiny fan) Big Show.

    12:30 PM — 1:30 PM:
    World Builders
    Join host Chris Hardwick for a keynote discussion about building worlds across entertainment mediums, with a focus on video games. Hardwick will be joined by astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, director James Gunn, Gearbox¢s Randy Pitchford, and 343 Industries¢ Kiki Wolfkill.

    1:30 PM — 2:15 PM:
    Assassin¢s Creed
    Ubisoft presents a look at what¢s next from Assassin¢s Creed.

    2:15 PM — 2:45 PM:
    What Game From E3 Will Make You the Next Online Gaming Superstar?In a world where online content creators can make or break the success of a new game, discover which games from this year¢s E3 are going to make the biggest splash with the world¢s largest online creators. Join MatPat, creator of The Game Theorists YouTube channel (more than 8 million subscribers, 2016 winner of the Streamy Award for Best Gaming Channel), to find out which games are making a mark at E3 in the eyes of top Twitch and YouTube streamers. Learn what makes some games great to play and others great to watch for millions of fans on YouTube and Twitch.

    2:45 PM — 3:15 PM
    Bethesda Softworks
    Join Bethesda Softworks for a look at a newly announced title that will be seen for the first time at their E3 2017 Showcase.

    3:15 PM– 4:00 PM
    Square Enix
    Don¢t miss when Square Enix presents a live demonstration of a newly announced title being showcased at E3 2017.

    4:00 PM — 4:30 PM
    Epic Games
    For over two decades, the team at Epic Games has built some of the video game industry¢s most talked about titles. Join members of Epic at E3 Coliseum for a behind-the-scenes look at the developer¢s next release.

    4:30 PM — 5:00 PM
    Swing Behind the Scenes With the New Spider-Man for PS4
    Join key members of both Insomniac Games and Marvel for a peek into the upcoming Spider-Man collaboration for the PS4.

    5:00 PM — 5:45 PM:
    Project Scorpio: The Most Powerful Place to Create and Play
    Discover how Xbox built a powerful development platform in Project Scorpio with game creators in mind. Featuring key members of the Xbox team, including Turn 10 Studios and The Coalition. Moderated by Xbox Live¢s Larry Hryb (Major Nelson).

    6:00 PM — 7:00 PM:
    Jack Black in Conversation with Tim Schafer
    Over the past 30 years Tim Schafer has created some of the gaming industry¢s most hilariously memorable worlds and characters. The multi-talented Jack Black (star of Brutal Legend) leads a wide-ranging conversation with Tim about his career, creative process, and yes, Psychonauts 2.
    Wednesday, June 14

    10:00 AM — 10:45 AM:
    New Realities: VR, AR, and Gaming
    Video games are ushering in a whole new era of interactivity across a host of new devices that deliver virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences. Join Will Smith (The Foo Show) for a discussion about the state of immersive reality and the future of gameplay and storytelling in VR and AR. Joining Smith will be film director Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters), Curtis Hickman (Co-Founder/CCO, The Void), Tanja Watson (Co-Founder, Squanchtendo Games) David Ellison (CEO, Skydance Media), and Brandon J. Laatsch (Stress Level Zero Games).

    10:45 AM — 11:30 AM:
    Sea of Thieves: Community Spirit
    The Sea of Thieves team discusses the opportunities and challenges of transforming Rare, one of the industry¢s most secretive developers, into an open studio that celebrates its community and has brought its most passionate fans right into the heart of the development process — an essential step in creating a AAA shared-world pirate adventure.

    11:30 — Noon:
    Gaming Evolved: New Voices, New Visions
    As the video game industry continues to evolve, there are opportunities for new voices and perspectives to push the medium in exciting new directions. Join us for a discussion about the many ways creators can express themselves and reach new audiences through video games.

    Noon — 12:45 PM
    Crash Bandicoot Reunion
    Twenty-one years after he first arrived on the scene, Crash Bandicoot is back! Join members of the original creative team behind the game — Connie Booth, Mark Cerny, Naughty Dog co-founders Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin, and Bob Rafei — for a once-in-a-lifetime reunion to discuss the making of the original Crash Bandicoot and its impact on the video game industry.

    12:45 PM — 1:30 PM:
    Mortal Kombat: Celebrating 25 Years
    For over 25 years, Mortal Kombat has evolved and pushed the fighting game genre in new directions, including its most recent release, MKX. Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon joins the E3 Coliseum to reflect on the series and its impact on popular culture, esports, and the video game industry.

    1:30 PM — 2:00 PM:
    Far Cry 5: A Trip to Hope County
    Welcome to Hope County, Montana, a rural community taken over by a fanatical cult. Led by Joseph Seed, “The Father,” players will build a resistance with the help of citizens of Hope County. Join Dan Hay, executive producer and creative director, and Drew Holmes, lead writer, to learn more about the citizens of Hope County, including The Father, Pastor Jerome, Mary May, and Nick Rye.

    2:00 PM — 2:30 PM:
    Call of Duty: WWII — Sledgehammer Games¢ Journey Back to the Franchise¢s Roots
    Call of Duty: WWII returns to its franchise roots. Join Michael Condrey, Glen Schofield, and Greg Reisdorf for an inside look at the game that is taking the series back to boots on the ground. The panel will share behind-the-scenes development of the E3 content as we look at multiplayer and campaign gameplay and perhaps a hint at things to come in the months ahead. Moderated by Afrojack (Nick van de Wall).

    2:30 PM — 3:15 PM:
    Stories Across Screens
    How does today¢s greatest game writing influence the world of TV and film, and vice versa? Join Better Call Saul Executive Producer Gennifer Hutchison for a conversation with leading storytellers about the opportunities and challenges of interactive and linear storytelling. Hutchison will be joined by Emil Pagliarulo (Designer Director, Bethesda Game Studios), Josh Scherr (Writer, Naughty Dog), and Dan Tractenberg (Director, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Black Mirror).

    3:15 PM — 4:15 PM:
    A Conversation with Hideo Kojima and Jordan Vogt-Roberts
    A one-on-one session looking back at the career of Hideo Kojima, led by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of Kong: Skull Island. These two creative forces will share the stage to discuss the fusion of gaming and cinema. Mr. Kojima will discuss his cinematic influences and how they have allowed him to make masterworks of his own.

    4:15 PM — 5:00 PM:
    The Indie Revolution
    Some of today¢s most creative and inspiring games come from independent developers working outside the system. Join us to hear their stories. Robin Hunicke (Funomena) leads a discussion about the independent game scene across console, mobile, and PC, featuring guests including Brendan Greene (creator, Player Unknown¢s Battlegrounds) and Eli Cymet (Alto¢s Odyssey).

    5:00 PM — 5:30 PM
    Middle-earth: Shadow of War — A Behind-the-Scenes Look
    Join Monolith Productions, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and Troy Baker (the voice of Talion) for an inside look and live demonstration of Middle-earth: Shadow of War.

    5:30–6 PM:
    Square Enix
    Join the team at Square Enix for a developer showcase, revealing new details about a game that will be announced for the first time at E3 2017.

    6:00 PM:
    An exclusive surprise discussion with renowned figures.

  17. #55
    Moderator hakoo's Avatar
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    To åâáëå êáé ï Ëåùíéäáò óôï thread ôïõ Death Stranding ïðïôå íá ìçí ôï îáíáâáëù. Åðéâåâáéùóå ï kojima ïôé äåí èá å÷åé ðáñïõóéá ôï ðáé÷íéäé óôçí e3 öåôïò ïðïôå -1 ðáé÷íéäé áðï ôá ðéèáíá óôçí conference ôçò Sony.
    Aðï ôï post ãéá ôçí live coverage ôïõ Geoff Keighley îå÷ùñéæù áõôï
    2:45 PM — 3:15 PM
    Bethesda Softworks
    Join Bethesda Softworks for a look at a newly announced title that will be seen for the first time at their E3 2017 Showcase.
    Óå óõíäéáóìï ìå ôç öçìç ðïõ åìöáíéóôçêå óôï neogaf (ôï âáæù óå spoiler ãéá ðïéïí äåí èåëåé íá îåñåé)


    êáôé ìïõ êáíåé áõôç ç áíáöïñá, ï÷é ïôé ìå ÷áëáåé íá áíáêïéíùóåé the evil within 2 ç wolfenstein ïðùò öçìïëïãåéôáé áëëá ïðùò êáé ôï êáíåéò åéíáé mid tier ôéôëïé. Ðïëõ ìåãáëõôåñï åíäéáöåñïí èá åé÷å íá åâãáéíå áëçèéíç áõôç ç öçìç.
    Ãéá ôçí áíáêïéíùóç Éáðùíéêùí ôéôëùí óôçí conference ôçò Sony ðïõ ðñïáíçããåéëå ï Layden ìïíï åíá ðñáãìá èá çèåëá

    Ìéáò êáé öçìïëïãåéôáé ïôé ç Capcom êáôé èá áíáêïéíùóåé åõ÷ïìáé íá åéíáé áõôï êáé ï÷é íåï monster hunter ðïõ å÷ïõí ëõóóáîåé ïëïé.
    Dragon's Dogma 2 ðïõ åðéóçò ãñáöåôáé áñêåôá ìáêáñé (ãéá ôïõò fans ðñïóùðéêá äåí ôï å÷ù ðáéîåé) áëëá ìïõ öáéíåôáé ïôé óå áõôç ôç öáóç äåí åéíáé ãéá áíïéãìáôá ç capcom, ðïõëçóå ïê ôï ðñùôï áëëá ï÷é êáé ôéðïôá öïâåñï. Ôùñá ìå ôï remaster èåùñù ïôé êáíåé äéåñåõíçôéêåò íá äåé ðùò èá ðáåé.
    Êáé ãéá íá ôåëåéùóù ìå ôçí capcom, õðáñ÷åé êáé ôï Resi Remake 2 áëëá ìçí îå÷íáìå ïôé ôï ôåñìáôéóáí ïé ôõðïé, ôï áíáêïéíùóáí ðñéí êáí îåêéíçóåé íá öôéá÷íåôáé. Ôï ðïëõ ðïëõ êáíá cgi teaser êáé áõôï ÷ëùìïôáôï.

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    Ìáëëïí èá åéíáé ç ðñùôç Å3 ìåôá áðï ðïëëá ÷ñïíéá ðïõ äåí èá äù live,
    èá ðñïóðáèçóù íá ìçí ìáèù ôéðïôá êáé ïôáí âñù ÷ñïíï íá âáëù ôï YouTube streaming íá ðáéîåé áðï ôçí áñ÷ç ïëïêëçñï.

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    Åãþ êáé öÝôïò èá ðñïóðáèÞóù íá ôçí äù live. Èåùñþ ðùò äýóêïëá ç PC ôçò Sony èá öôÜóåé óôá åðßðåäá ôùí 2 ðñïçãïýìåíùí.
    Ôá ôåëåõôáßá 2 ÷ñüíéá Ý÷åé áíáêïéíþóåé ðïëëÜ ðáé÷íßäéá ôá ïðïßá áêüìá äåí Ý÷ïõí êõêëïöïñÞóåé (Detroit, Death Stranding, FFVII, GT Sport, Spiderman, Days Gone, Dreams êëð) + üôé ðëÝïí êñáôÜåé áíáêïéíþóåéò ãéá ôï Playstation Experience.
    Èåùñþ ðùò èá Ý÷ïõìå 1-2 êáéíïýñéá ip áðü ìåãÜëá studio (FromSoftware êáé Sucker Punch ëïãéêÜ) åðßóçò ßóùò Ý÷ïõìå áíáêïßíùóç Story DLC ãéá ôï Horizon.
    Ìå ìåãÜëï åíäéáöÝñïí ðåñéìÝíù êáé ôçí PC ôçò MS. ¼÷é ãéá ôï Scorpio. ÁëëÜ ãéá íá äù ôé games èá ðáñïõóéÜóåé. Ãéá ìÝíá Å3=Games. Êáé PS5 íá ðáñïõóéáóôåß áí äåí äù ðáé÷íßäéá ôé íá ôï êÜíù;;
    ÈÝëù íá ðéóôåýù ðùò ç MS äåí èá ìåßíåé áðëÜ óôçí äýíáìç ôïõ Scorpio áëëÜ èá ìáò äåßîåé êáé áñêåôÜ ðáé÷íßäéá. Ôþñá äåí ìðïñþ íá ìáíôÝøù ôé èá äïýìå. Ðéèáíüí êÜðïéï exclusive ìå Ýíá Third Party studio ìéáò êáé áðü ôá äéêÜ ôçò äåí íïìßæù íá Ý÷ïõìå êÜôé ôñåëü.
    Åêôüò ôùí 2 áõôþí åôáéñåéþí äåí ðåñéìÝíù êÜôé Üëëï áðü ôçí Å3. Ìüíï ôçí áíáêïßíùóç ôïõ Evil Within 2 ðïõ öçìïëïãåßôáé. Ïìïëïãþ ðùò ôï Evil ìïõ Üñåóå ðïëý (ðëçí ôùí 2 ôåëåõôáßùí chapters) êáé èá Þèåëá íá äù Ýíá sequel.


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    Áíáíåþèçêå ôï áñ÷éêü post.

    ÐëÝïí êÜèå link ïäçãåß óôï E3 hub ôçò åêÜóôïôå åôáéñåßáò.

    ¶ñ÷éóá íá âÜæù ôá pre-E3 trailers óôï ðñþôï reserved.


    Square Enix Presents: E3 2017 Program Schedule


    Spoiler (ðáé÷íéäéá/ôáéíéåò/âéâëéá) -äåí ðá íá ÷åé âãåé 100 ÷ñïíéá ç ôáéíéá- = -rep

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    9 τεραφλοπ ξεκλείδωσε το Scorpio Ας κλάψουμε

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    If you love to play, we hope you have your calendar marked for June 10-12 for one of the biggest entertainment event of the year, EA PLAY! In just a few short days we will be providing you new looks and deep dives into our biggest games, new reveals and more.

    Whether you're watching online or joining us in Hollywood, here are a few key details you need to know:

    “LIVE @ EA PLAY”

    Starting at Noon PDT on June 10, join us for “Live @ EA PLAY,” an all-new broadcast experience specifically designed for our players viewing around the world. “Live @ EA PLAY” will showcase the first live multiplayer match for Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II called Assault on Theed. The match will utilize a prequel-era map and feature 40 of the biggest YouTube influencers in the world, including StoneMountain64.

    For the millions of fans who will not attend EA PLAY in Hollywood, EA¢s show can be viewed live on from 12:00pm–1:30pm PT. “Live @ EA PLAY” will include the following blockbuster titles, as well as more surprises:

    • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II – Featuring all Star Wars eras, a single player campaign and epic scale multiplayer battles, Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II will bring the most robust Star Wars game to date. The game is being developed in partnership by three powerhouse studios: DICE, Motive™ Studios and Criterion™ Games, each with a rich background of creating award-winning games.
    • EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 – Powered by Frostbite™, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 blurs the line between the virtual and real worlds, bringing to life the heroes, teams, and atmospheres of the world¢s game.
    • Madden NFL 18 – With Frostbite™, the spectacle of NFL gameday comes alive delivering photorealistic players, crowds and stadiums, and introduces an all-new mode to the Madden NFL franchise.
    • NBA LIVE 18 – Delivering gameplay innovations and a brand-new way to play with ¡The One¢, NBA LIVE returns with an experience completely centered around a player¢s individual journey.
    • Need for Speed™ Payback – This explosive adventure is filled with intense heist missions, high stakes car battles, epic cop pursuits and jaw dropping set pieces. It¢s blockbuster gameplay never before seen from the series, fueled by a gripping story of betrayal and revenge. With Need for Speed Payback, it¢s about building the perfect ride, getting behind the wheel and playing out an action driving fantasy.
    • Battlefield™ 1 – It's a Summer of Battlefield including the entry of the Russian Army and the biggest front of WW1 in Battlefield™ 1 In the Name of the Tsar. Partake in the skirmishes of the Albion assault in a freezing archipelago and fight in the snow-covered ravines of the treacherous Lupkow Pass.


    Immediately following the press conference, on the livestream will continue until 3 p.m. PT with a behind-the-scenes look at what¢s happening in the FanFest at EA PLAY. The livestream will provide a closer look at five games – Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes, Need for Speed Payback, Madden NFL 18, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 as well as a 64-person multiplayer match of the all-new Battlefield 1 map, Nivelle Nights.
    ¶ñá 6 ðáé÷íßäéá ðïõ îÝñïõìå êáé Üëëá äýï, ìÜëëïí ôá ðáñáêÜôù

    Spoiler (ðáé÷íéäéá/ôáéíéåò/âéâëéá) -äåí ðá íá ÷åé âãåé 100 ÷ñïíéá ç ôáéíéá- = -rep

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